Saturday, May 22, 2010

UCSF Pharmacy Information Day - Part 1 - Overview

Alright. Just got back from the UCSF Pharmacy Information Day (rather than going to my graduation ceremony at SFSU). It was worth it.

Coming out of it, I feel better about applying there. And I already knew that I was going to do that.

So here's the schedule:

- 08:30-08:55 am - Registration
- 09:00-09:15 am - Welcome
- 09:15-10:15 am - Career Opportunities in Pharmacy: A Pharmacist Panel
- 10:15-10:30 am - Break
- 10:30-11:15 am - UCSF School of Pharmacy Pharm.D. Program: An Overview
- 11:15-12:15 pm - Pharmacy Student Panel
- 12:15-01:30 pm - Lunch with Pharmacy Students and Campus Tours
- 01:30-02:00 pm - Funding Your Pharmacy Education
- 02:00-03:00 pm - UCSF School of Pharmacy Admissions/Preparing a Competitive Application
- 03:00 pm - Closing/Evaluation

This was the full-day version of the Preview Day that I attended back in October. While four of the six parts to the event were covered last time, they were condensed a bit, and there was still something to learn during each of the major sections.

They started off with a bang, with an excellent Pharmacist Panel that was 100% new information for me. Yet I still learned some good insights into what's it's like being a student, a useful Letter of Recommendation tip, a starting point for researching out of state schools, some useful Financial Aid info, and revised the way I need to look a my pursuit of pharm tech experience.

Everyone talked sooo fast. The day was throwing all kinds of info at me. But as usual, I had my trusty netbook with me, and so I'll be breaking it all down and sharing it all on here over the next few days.

Next Up: Registration, Welcome, and Pharmacist Panel!

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