Sunday, November 8, 2009

Healthcare Passes Through the House

Here are the links to yahoo news and about the situation. The article even has a link to the entire 1990 pages of the bill in pdf format. As much as I'd like to know the details as opposed to the catch phrases that are passed around in the media, there's no way I'm going to get through reading it all.

One sad thing about the bill however, is the section that has to deal with abortion. I'm sure everyone's heard all the arguments, and everyone has their own stance on the situation and no amount of logical debate is going to change anyone's mind. But with that said, it really annoys me when people say they putting restrictions on funding for abortions is going to reduce the amount of unwanted pregnancies and through that, the amount of abortions.

Sex isn't about logic. It's about hormones and emotions. People are stupid when it comes to sex and no one is going to think, "Oh no! There's no federal funding for me to get an abortion if I get pregnant/get her pregnant! I guess we won't have unprotected sex now!" or "It feels good to have that federal funding for abortion as a back up in case this condom doesn't work, because it's only 99% effective. If that federal funding wasn't there, I don't know if I could have the courage to go through with it."

Have your reasons and your beliefs for or against abortion for whatever religious or ethical reasons you want, but trying to make a logical argument against it with this specific argument is ridiculous.

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