Saturday, January 23, 2010

USC Info Session - Part 6 - Tour and Tips

While USC did provide a sheet of blank paper to takes notes on, obviously from all the info that I've put up, I recorded more than would fit on a single sheet 'cause I used my netbook to takes notes during the presentation.  However that blank sheet was very useful when it came to taking notes during the tour.

Unfortunately the tour wasn't as comprehensive as I would have liked.  It was nice that we were broken down into groups of five, especially considering how many of us there were, but we didn't actually go inside any of the buildings that were being talked about.  From what I inferred, the room where we had our presentation in wasn't even one of the classrooms that we'd be studying in.  (Although it may be very similar, I just have no way of knowing.)

However, while we didn't get to see a lot of the insides of the buildings that were being talked about, our tourguide did give us a lot of useful information.  Hopefully I can make sense of this mess that's supposed to be my handwriting.

First, some perspective, here's the map of area again:

Click to Enlarge

There are three things to look at in this picture.  (This picture is to the direct right of the pharmacy building.)  On the left side is the entrance to the book store, those double doors on the right are the entrance to the cafeteria, and what's blocked by the trees are the dorms.  If you get let into the dorms, you can wake up and be in class in not much more than a minute!  My tourguide didn't live in the dorms, she said cause she didn't apply early enough.  However, she believes that they only cost $550 a month (to share a room?  or share a kitchen area with separate rooms?  I'm not sure.)  That's not bad at all.

A cramped and close up picture of the dorms.

A look at the inside of the cafeteria that I took after the tour.

The other entrance to the cafeteria.  Behind that wall on the left
is a grill where a cook grills burgers and other things at lunch.

Next up is the library.  The library hours can be found here.  The library is has extended hours during exam times (I believe).

The entrance to the library.

Just inside the entrance.

To the left and right of the previous picture are couches.

One of the study areas with some computers.  There is another
computer area on the first floor that looks different,
but also nice.  I didn't explore beyond this point.

Next isn't much, but just completes the view of this little area.

Back to right out front of the pharmacy building.  You can see the
volleyball net and the building where the med students are at.

Random tips from the tourguide:

- Bring a resume on your first day.  Especially useful for the several career fairs that are set up so you can get hired right away.

- Most students fulfill their hours in their first or second year, so they can focus completely on studying in the later years.

- A lot of students who don't live in the dorms live in South Pasadena (which is only 6 miles away, and the commute isn't all that bad), or in Alhambra.  It's a bit cheaper in Alhambra, and if you like Asian food, there are plenty of places to eat around that area.

- They give you flash cards for the stuff like the Top 100 Drugs, but it was very helpful to get work experience before entering pharmacy school so the learning didn't have to rely on flashcards alone.

- It doesn't hurt to send a thank you email to your interviewer after you're interviewed.

- After you're accepted into USC, they require a $500 deposit to secure that spot.  Touro requires a $2k spot.

- Time management skills are important.

- There is no gym on the Health Sciences Campus.  If you want to use the gym that's part of your tuition, then you have to take the shuttle to the main campus.

- Go to  There is a lot of useful information there.

Next: Closer look at the info packet

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