Sunday, January 31, 2010

First Week of My Last Semester at SFSU

My first week is over.  I'm not used to having to leave the house at 6:30am, but I'm managing.  I need a bit more work in fixing my sleep cycle but I'm getting there.

And 6:30 isn't exactly right either.  I can leave a little bit later, but 6:30 is being safe.  I'm doing the dreaded morning commute across the San Francisco Bay Bridge during the peak hours.  I actually got to a late start on Monday and left at 7:00am and got to class by 8:20am (it starts at 8:10am).  On Friday I left at 6:45am and got there by 7:30am.  That's only a difference of 15 minutes for departure time, but a 50 minute difference in arrival!

But on to my classes...

Intro Psy Research

It's hard to evaluate the class.  It's a large class, and we spent most of the time with administration issues. There wasn't much actual learning.  That ended up being somewhat convenient, since my textbook should arrive from tomorrow.  I do hope the learning ramps up soon though.


Now for this class I had the book before the first class started, and I was glad I did. The professor definitely expects you to read the relevant chapter before going into lecture.  There's no step by step instruction on minute details.  I like that.  This is my first science class in three semesters, and I want it to be challenging.  It's time to dive back in.

GLP and GMP: Principles & Compliance

This is just a one unit class at my community college.  I didn't really know what to expect out of it, but it seemed like it might be relevant.  And since it takes place only over three Saturdays, if I was wrong, then it wouldn't be a big deal.  After the first class is over... I'm still not sure.  We went over some of the basic history of some of the laws that I had to learn about when studying for the PTCE like the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, we learning how to write proper research notebooks, and then given worksheets and homework to help us learn how to navigate the FDA website.

I think what I'm getting out of it is worth it.  I am actually learning some stuff.  And this should help me be able to register for future classes as a continuing student, when it comes time to retake some prerequisites.

My Cat

Since I mentioned my cat a couple days ago, and how he made me late on Monday, I thought I'd put up one last update about Pouncer.  The cancer has seriously impeded his ability to eat.  I was watering down soft canned food and he still couldn't eat that.  He would start choking and then back away from food.  Now he just looks and the food and doesn't even try to eat it.  =/  Today he pretty much just drank a lot of milk after he saw that he couldn't eat the food we were trying to feed him.  So tomorrow we'll be taking him in to the vet before he starts starving.  That would be a horrible way to go.  I'm gonna miss him.

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