Sunday, November 22, 2009

CPR Certified

(Image from

Just a couple days after passing the PTCE, I'm now CPR certified! It was a one day class, taught by a couple of nurses. The event was hosted by the PHHS (Pre-Health Honor Society) at SFSU ($20 for the random public, but a $5 discount for Pre-Pharmacy members.)

Why'd I take the class? It's not required for pharmacists as far as I know. But I think it's something worth knowing. The concept of knowing CPR, and wanting to be a pharmacist seem to mesh well together. I'm going into a health profession, as cliche as it sounds, because I like to help.

(Edit 11-23-09 - I have since learned that at least one school, USC, requires CPR certification.  I will most likely have to take the class again before I apply, since the certification only lasts a year.  It's good to find that out though.)

I did learn CPR before. This was back in high school... maybe '98 or '99. That video back then was sooo bad. The new update was better. Plus there was some new stuff there. We were told it was the 2005 update. I don't remember if we learned how to use two people effectively, I think some of the infant stuff was changed, and it was cool to learn about the AEDs (Automated External Defibrillator).

Who knows, it might come in handy one day. It did last time. We were doing a fundraiser for my class, and this girl that I was taking a break with this girl that I had a crush on back then (Or did I move on already? I can't remember.) Well anyway, we were eating, and then all of a sudden she gets up and frantically taps right below her neck with both hands. I stand up and she turns around and backs into me. The Heimlich maneuver is simple enough that I'm guessing I could have helped her without that class, but since I knew the proper way to do it, it just took a couple abdominal thrusts and breath was able to enter her lungs.

I've never had to use the knowledge again, but now I'm certified (for the next two years), and know the new methods. It might come in handy some day. Who knows.

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