Sunday, November 29, 2009

PSAR (Pharmacy School Admission Requirements)

I was looking through the stats section of Get Into Pharmacy School: Rx for Success!, and despite it being printed just this year, I noticed that some of the info (specifically the tuition for UCSF) was already out of date.  But thankfully the chapter "Planning Your Undergraduate Experience" led me to a more accurate source, the AACP website, and more specifically to the page on the PSAR

The Pharmacy School Admission Requirements (PSAR)© is designed to provide the most up-to-date information about each pharmacy school, including specifics about admission requirements, selection factors and educational costs for students entering pharmacy school in fall 2010. [ISBN 978-0-9723236-5-9]. To order a printed copy of the Pharmacy School Admissions Requirements©, go to the AACP Order Form. The PSAR is $25 plus $3 for shipping and handling.

Links to all the forms in .pdf format is all there ready for you to print out if you don't want to pay the $25 fee.  I'm going to go even further than that.  Since I'm just looking at the California schools right now, and the tables clump the schools by state... I'm going to be doing some copy/pasting into Paint, and do some quick photo editing so I get only the info I need, and save on ink.

(FYI: Hit the "Prt Sc" [Print Screen] button on you computer to copy what's on your screen.  Then you can just do the normal Paste.)

- The tables of interest to me are:

PSAR Table 1: Pharm.D. Programs - Pharm.D. Degree Programs Anticipated for 2010-11.
PSAR Table 3: Graduate Programs - Institutional Information and Graduate Degree Programs Anticipated for 2010-11
PSAR Table 4: Dual-Degrees - Dual-Degree Programs Anticipated for 2010-11
PSAR Table 8: First Year Pharm.D. Class - Characteristics of fall 2008 First Year Class for Pharm.D. Degree Programs
PSAR Table 9: Admissions Policies - Admission Policies and Practices for Pharm.D. Degree Programs Anticipated for 2010-11
PSAR Table 11: Tuition - First Year Tuition and Fees for Pharm.D. Degree Programs in 2009-10

- Now the real find is this next link.  The tables may be good for comparing schools in specific categories, but this next link gives you a full view of each individual school.  You get paragraphs about the school, its mission/vision, what the curriculum is like, admissions requirements, as well as all in the info in the tables.  And this won't even take any photo editing, since each school is given their own two pages.  Just pick and choose.

School Admission Requirements - Two-page narrative that includes General Information, Curriculum, Admission Requirements, and Further Information for each AACP member institution

- This last link gives a nice break down of all the prerequisite courses.  I like the table that I made for myself, but I'll be using this to double check that my info is correct.

Course Prerequisites by Pharmacy School - Summary of pre-professional course requirements by pharmacy degree institution

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