Friday, October 9, 2009

Pharmacy School Admissions - The Truth... and other links

As you can see on the right, I've added a bunch of links to various blogs and websites.  There's a nice list of all the California pharmacy school websites, as a well as a link for the rankings of all the pharmacy schools in the US.  (I believe it's all of them at least.  I haven't checked the whole list.)

There's a link that least to a list of (potentially) interesting blogs to read that are written by pharmacists.  It's long list and I've only checked out the number one blog on that list, The Angry Pharmacist.

And for more advice and insight into the process of getting into pharmacy schools, I have a section for admissions blogs and sites.  The one that I just finished reading through is Pharmacy School Admissions - The Truth

Although I'm not quite clear as to who the exact person writing most of the entries is, it is someone who has experience as an admissions officer, and it is an extremely helpful blog.  It began at the end of April, and there are updates pretty much every day, answering a question that was emailed in, or pointing out something of interest.

For me, personally, the most interesting aspect of it were all the entries dealing with the PCAT.  I live in California, and the California schools don't accept the PCAT, so I have very little exposure with anything dealing with the PCAT.  Back when I just believed I was going to go to pharmacy school, but didn't do any research on the admissions process, I figured that I'd just apply to all the California schools.

But if I'm to be realistic, since I have a low GPA that I still need to fix, researching and applying to out of state schools is something I have to do, on top of looking into the California schools.  With those schools (and assuming I do excellent on the PCAT, which I know I'm capable of doing if I apply myself), I have that secondary academic measurement on my application that can balance out my GPA.

All the advice on personal statements is also excellent, with several entries dedicated to showing snippets of specific examples with what should be changed and why.  And coming up soon will be many questions geared towards the interview process.

I will certainly be checking out that blog regularly.

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