Saturday, October 10, 2009

Reports from the Pharm... and even more links

It's going to take a while to check out all the links in the list of 50 pharmacist blogs (and the links that those pages suggest), but I've scanned a couple, and added more direct links to them on the right right.  Jim Plagakis and The Pharmacy Chick both seem to be good blogs that are still frequently updated.  (Not all of the blogs on that list are.)  I've also added the new section for Pharmacy News & Info Blogs, putting up Pharmacist Daily, PRIME - Pharmacist Cast Studies, and

All of those blogs seem helpful in getting better insight into what a career in pharmacy will be like.  (A little frightening that a lot of the titles of those blogs on the list deal with a lot of anger and frustration, but I think that tends to be the nature of blogging.  Angry blogging can be entertaining blogging.  I'm sure there are plenty of happy pharmacists out there.)  Jim Plagakis and The Pharmacy Chick don't seem to be all that bad, upon initial scan, which is why they made my list.  For now I'll just stick to having one angry pharmacist, and try to keep my reading more balanced.

As for another blog that deals with more immediate concerns for myself, Reports from the Pharm is written by Joel Gonzalez, Admissions Director of UCSF.  He mentioned his blog during the UCSF Preview Day, and that mention is what got me to start looking up other pharmacy blogs. (Yeah I know, you'd think that actually writing a blog would have gotten me to look up other blogs.  *shrugs*)

While not nearly as frequently updated as Pharmacy School Admissions, there is still a lot of great info within the few posts that it does have.  Tips for a successful applicant, tips to prepare for their interview process, and the importance of their supplemental application as well as some other insights.  The blog is funny and useful, and it's easy to get through every entry.  Definitely worth checking out.

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