Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Goal Setting - April 2010 through September 2010

Alright, I'm a little behind on this.  I should have put up this post in early April.

January through June Goal Progress

- Graduate
- Become a Pharmacy Technician
- Research Schools
- Lose Weight

- Graduate - I am on track with this.  On track and ready to graduate with my BA in Psychology with a minor in Chemistry.  And graduating with A's in both Psy Research and Genetics

- Become a Pharmacy Technician - This goal is in question. I finally got my pharm tech license, but it may have come too late to be of immediate use.  I did however at least get to work for the Census as a temporary stop gap, and applications are out there.  And listened to a talk from a Walgreens District Manager.  I haven't ignored this goal, but how it's going to turn out by June remains in question.

- Research Schools - I drove down to USC, asked all the schools about their policies on expirations on old completed requirements (I have yet to post about that actually), listened to a presentation by the Phi Delta Chi pledgeclass from UCSF, and took a closer look at GPA requirements and prerequisites.  I could have done more sure, but that can always be said.  I think I've done pretty good in this area.

- Lose Weight - I've somewhat done this. From the beginning of January until now, the total weight loss has only been a slight loss.  (I gained a couple pounds two of the past three weeks.) But I've still been maintaining a slow but steady weight loss.  As long as that continues, it is never horrible.  It would be better, but it's still loss. I've lived with my weight for years, and in the end the time it'll take to lose it all with be nothing compared to that.

Reevaluating Old Goals and Setting New Ones

- Graduate... with A's - I don't just want to graduate. I want to get A's in both my classes. That's something I should be able to do.  It's within my grasp.  I do have to work for it, but it's there.

- Become a Pharmacy Technician... or Just Get Work. - I have to downgrade this goal.  I had my schedule open to get full time work for this time period, but that's now coming to a close. With the semester that I'm planning to have for the Fall, if I can just get part time work that will fit in with my schedule, that will be enough for me.

- Research Schools... Both In and Outside of California - I'm doing decent with the schools inside of California, but by the end of six months, I better know something about the school outside of California.

- Lose Weight... and Reach 190 Pounds - I should be able to lose more than that, but maybe not. The weight loss is steady, but it is slow. I want to keep it up, and outdo it if possible, but at least keep it up.  It feels good to feel good about yourself.

- Study for the PCAT - New goal. I bought the book. I haven't be using it. It's time to change that. I don't need to take the test in the near future, but I will need to take it. It's time to get started with that. Something I really need to do during the Summer months before my 19 unit semester starts.

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