Monday, April 19, 2010

Summer and Fall 2010

Alright, well... at 6:37am this morning I did a quick check to see if I could add my classes even though it was officially scheduled to open to to all at 8:00am, and bam! I enrolled into both Cell Biology and General BioChem. The numbers had not changed at all with 76 and 39 spots open respectively.  I refreshed the pages as soon as I added and saw the decrease immediately in the numbers, so it's pretty clear those were the actual numbers. 

Besides considering any possible difficulties in a slightly different change in system, I missed the absolutely obvious reason as to why there would be so many spots open in that it costs a lot. There was no regular half time payment for 6 Summer units. It's $1998 total for my two classes.  So I'm lucky that I have this opportunity, but I still have until June 4th to really decide if I can afford the classes.

So how does that affect my Fall semester?  I'll be moving Micro Economics to Fall, making it a total of 19 units. Biology I, OChem I, Microbiology, Nutrition, and Micro Economics. I'll be improving decent grades in the first two classes, fixing a bad grade in microbiology (due to lack of trying), and taking all new classes in the last two.

I hope to also have part time work. Likely not as a pharm tech. That would be ideal, but as I said before, it sounds like people are letting go of techs, and the ones that they are hiring, they want them on for full time. So I have my license now, but it may not get some use for a bit, unless someone wants to hire me full time for the Summer during afternoon to overnight hours.

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